Why am I feeling other people’s aches and pains?

Sometimes before I do a reading I start to pick up on the other person’s energy. This started to show up for me as slight changes in my emotional state about 30 min to an hour before a reading was scheduled, and in the early days it was so subtle that I didn’t even realize it was happening, let alone make the connection! I used to just chalk it up to nerves, and I reasoned with myself that “I must be nervous to do a reading for someone I didn’t know” Or “maybe I’m putting way too much pressure on myself to give a ‘good’ reading!”

In hindsight, and after a bit of experience things became clearer. I could probably apply that sentence to everything I’ve learned along the way haha!

Anyways, this pre-reading weird feelings went on for a while, and before long, it started to become stronger and stronger each time I did a reading. Once this strengthened for me, I finally realized why this was happening, and that there was no way those vibes were my own. It dawned on me that they were all linked directly to whoever the person was that I was reading, because the emotional state I was feeling, ended up being brought up in the readings anyways, of course!

So as soon as I figured THAT out, it was around that time that I even started to take on a person’s physical symptoms! This absolutely blew me away - and when that happened? There was no denying that this was not ‘mine’. It’s simply another expression of my clairsentience!

So how it works for me is that specific feelings are linked to a specific state of being for the person. For example, some of the emotions I’ve encountered are a sudden, painful intense sadness and often unexpected or uncontrollable tears if they’re grieving, or feelings of despair and confusion for people struggling with their purpose. For people who are having difficulty with relationships, I feel frustration and annoyance or lack of control, and I get feelings of innate calmness, serenity and confidence when the person has a strong connection with their own intuition.  

Examples of the physical sensations I’ve experienced would be blurry eyesight for people who have glasses, I’ve felt shifts in temperature with really cold hands and feet and full body shivers where I’ve literally had to turn up the furnace, go and put on another sweater and extra socks slippers! I’ve felt a sore back, or sharp shooting pains in the exact places the person was holding pain, and I’ve had intense stomach anxiety, a clenched jaw, sudden bursts of anger, frustration or irritability, out of the blue chocolate cravings, and legs that suddenly felt like lead, to name a few!

I’ve now learned to ‘read’ these feelings and symptoms that are not mine in my own body, and how to link it all together for you in your reading. I love that this extrasensory information adds to the experience for you, oftentimes adding snippets of validation or evidence that we are all connected by energy.

And this has been just another lesson in the journey of discovering my abilities...  And what a journey it’s been so far!!



Strange Ways Spirit Comes Through


My First Spirit Sighting