Strange Ways Spirit Comes Through

One of the strangest ways a message came through in a reading for me was in a poem - word for word - that I recited.

Now, I have a pretty good memory, but this even shocked me that it even came to the surface, because it’s a poem that I was required to memorize for English class in Grade 9 I believe!

And as it turned out, the poem held a significant amount of meaning for the woman that I was doing a reading for.

Background: I had just relayed to her that I saw a journal, it was being shown to me that a journal would be an extremely useful tool for her to use. She confided in me that there were many times where she HAD, in fact, started writing and then put it down, only to be drawn back to it, and then she’d just stop again. She said she had always found journalling to be a good way to process and release stress and emotion.

I remember thinking “Well this is weird, now I’m being pushed really hard here - I’m supposed to tell you a poem” laughing nervously, thinking, You gotta be kidding me, am I seriously doing this?? Now, I felt absolutely ridiculous reciting this off the top of my head during an intuitive reading, but I was getting nudged so insistently that I just did it. So this is the poem that I recited:

Canto V - (In Memoriam by Alfred Lord Tennyson)

I sometimes hold it half a sin

To put in the grief I feel

For words, like nature, half reveal

and half conceal the soul within.

But for the unquiet heart and mind

A use in measured language lies

The mechanic exercise

Like dull narcotics, numbing pain.

Rest assured, I don’t go around reciting poems to people during readings, or ever for that matter but I just had to share this as being one of the strangest methods of delivery for a meaningful message to be delivered to someone through me. Thankfully, my client agreed that it definitely resonated with her. And the message was loud and clear from her guides.

Sometimes I sit back in awe at how things flow through me to people during their readings in the exact way that specific person needs to hear it, and in the exact manner in which they need to receive it. Me just telling her to “start journalling” would not have been enough for her. And yes, she has been writing regularly, last I spoke with her.

One thing I know for sure is that Spirit never disappoints. And this is just one of the ways that I have learned to trust my guides 100%.


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