My First Spirit Sighting

There have been certain things that have happened in my past that I didn’t realize were pointing to the fact that I had psychic abilities. I feel silly in hindsight but over time it all adds up to be crystal clear that I’ve had these gifts all along.

The first glimpse of a spirit for me was at the age of 15, as I was applying makeup in a small vanity mirror on the counter of the bathroom. I finished putting on my mascara or whatever it is I was applying, and I lifted my gaze up from the small vanity mirror and up to the big, full-size mirror that spanned the length of the bathroom and he was there - in the reflection, standing behind me. Clear as a bell. I don’t recall it being fuzzy or transparent at all. He looked exactly as he did in person. He had on typical clothes and his expression was just a neutral half grin. After about 3-4 seconds I blinked and could no longer see him - but I knew he wasn’t gone. He was still there - the air felt a little thicker than usual and I could still feel his energy.

He was a family friend and I knew his energy then just as I knew his energy before he had died, and so I wasn’t afraid. I remember thinking, ‘geez that was wild’ but I wasn’t scared! I felt happy that I got to see him again, I felt reassured, I remember it bringing a smile to my face, because I missed him and I now knew he was okay. His energy was comforting, friendly, and I felt like his visit was an acknowledgment to me that I meant something to him because he came to see me.

In hindsight, I can presume that he probably didn’t expect me to actually see him in the mirror, because he didn’t come with any specific message. He was just there, and I happened to spot him, at that exact moment! Plus when I did, he disappeared superfast. I wonder if the mirror had anything to do with it.

I know that he stuck around our house checking in on my family for a long time, although there weren’t any disturbances or signs that he was there. It was just that his energy was still a huge lingering presence in our house. And I never told anyone I saw him back then because I was afraid they’d think I was crazy or not believe me anyway.

After some time, his energy was not present at our home. It was only then that my family actually discussed openly that we could feel him around us. They too could feel the palpable difference after he left. The air, the space, felt clearer, less dense. He was just not there anymore, and I remember personally feeling a little lonely that he was gone.  I know now that it was at this time that he crossed over in light and love to the other side.

I saw him only one other time in my adult life since then, around ten years after I initially saw him in the mirror, and he was there - and then instantaneously gone, this time appearing like a guardian, keeping me safe from sudden danger (and that’s a story all on its own for another time). It’s because of this experience that I know that our loved ones who’ve crossed over can actually become a part of our “spirit team” on the other side, and they are there, watching over us and keeping us safe from harm, until we can be together again.


Why am I feeling other people’s aches and pains?


Manifesting for 2025