Airport Delays
As promised, I’ve got to share this crazy story! In Oct 2023 I had a dream about my friend/cousin.
I dreamed that she was sitting in an airport at the gate, waiting to board the plane for her flight. It was daytime and it felt like there was a delay for the passengers to be called up to board the plane.
Then in my dream, I saw my mom and an old buddy of mine (who used to be a pilot and who is also crossed over) meeting each other for the first time on the other side in spirit form. They literally introduced themselves to each other, as my mom and my friend, explaining their connection to me, big smiles all around and they seemed to find it amazing that they got to meet! It was bizarre! BTW they hadn’t ever met in their lifetimes.
Anyways in my dream, my mom took charge and grabbed my buddy by the hand, and she hauled him over to my friend and they were both hovering about 20’ above her as she was seated at the gate in the airport. So my mom pointed down at my friend and said that’s her, that’s my niece, and the feeling was that “She’s about to get on this plane and I need you to check the plane” and so mom dragged my buddy, the pilot, over to the plane, THROUGH the glass windows of the gate, and she kept saying “Check it again, Check it again.” And so he kept checking all these parts of the plane under the cockpit and making sure that everything was fit to fly, that it was safe.
And then there was a feeling of relief from my mom and from the pilot, and I woke up.
Now here’s the kicker - I woke up, went about my day and never thought much of this dream. Later on, I got a text message from my cousin in a group text and it had been a while so we were all catching up etc saying How’s it going? What are you guys up to?” and she said “I’m just exhausted, I spent the last 24 hours in travel mode, I’ve pretty much been in an airport the whole time on my way back from the states”! Hmmmmm….
Let me tell ya, I nearly fell over because I had no idea that she was in the states to begin with, and she just validated that she had spent the last 24 hours travelling and was, in fact, in an airport, waiting at gates!!
The funniest thing of this experience is that I had wondered (in real life) if spirits on the other side that never knew each other in this lifetime, would actually meet on the other side. And so I got my answer - this dream was demonstrating that Yes they do, because Mom needed someone to check that plane for my cousin, and there he was.
So I think sometimes you just have to believe - because these types of things don’t just happen out of the blue. Everything happens for a reason. I got my answer, and also got shown how our loved ones are ALWAYS watching over us from the other side in so many ways we can’t even fathom.