Tracy Carpentieri Tracy Carpentieri

Manifesting for 2025

We have a NYE tradition in my family where we go through all our photos from the year of the things we did, the events that happened, and milestones that we celebrated. We opened the back door to let the old energy out, and we opened the front door to let the good energy in, nearly lost the dog!

Going through these photos really put it into perspective how blessed I truly am - seeing those moments of celebration (family holidays, piano recitals, awards ceremonies, milestone birthdays and Halloween traditions), and how much stronger I’ve become by revisiting the challenges I’ve overcome (double Covid pneumonia, a collapsed right lung) and hopefully never have to endure again.

On top of all that, were pictures and screenshots which now serve as a record of my journey of psychic and mediumship skills unfolding and developing. And wow, what a swift ride this year has been! I delved into everything from astrology charts, crystals research, tarot, oracle cards, tons of resource books and podcasts, then FINALLY being connected to my mentor, all in order to navigate this journey as best I could, taking me up to this point.

So today, I compiled a list of what I wanted to achieve in 2025. And it was blatantly obvious that it was all - Really. Really. Simple. Laughably simple.

It made me stop and think, if I could wish for anything in the world for my 2025 wish list, how is it that most of the things I want are things like, the pantry to stay organized. Declutter my entire house. Consistent blog writing. To have a holiday to look forward to. Improved health and fitness. Become more organized for my business. To help as many people as I can with my gifts.

Really? That’s all I can come up with? I guess deep down I don’t need billions of dollars, or a mansion, although I probably wouldn’t refuse either.

The point is, I’ve learned this year is that what’s important is to have a stress-free life. Everything I strive to achieve is centred around 2 main themes: growth and peace.

And the beauty of it? It’s all very very attainable, and that makes me super excited because I know that if I really want these things to come to fruition in my life, then I’m going to have them. And I know from experience, that once we get into that flow of having growth and peace in our daily lives, that becomes the frequency that we operate from, and that attracts… you guessed it, more growth and peace.

Growth comes to me automatically when I use my gifts to help others. Each time I do an energy healing or a reading, I learn something new and profound. Every single time. Whether it’s a new way to use a specific psychic ability, or being shown the energetic symbol or ‘feel’ for a different abnormality in the body, I learn something every time. It actually feels like I’m just remembering something I forgot that was there all along.

And peace comes to me when I am organized and free of clutter. So as much as I dislike spending time clearing out the closets or the pantry, I feel lighter afterwards and it clears the space to let the good energy in.

Don’t get me wrong, there are other, much deeper, personal goals that I have for 2025 as well. And these are also within my ability to attain, although I will be taking a more holistic approach to reaching these goals, through manifestation techniques that have worked for me in the past. We are all co-creators in this life, and it’s literally our job, our mission, to create the life and the experiences we want to have, and you can do this through manifestation. Don’t forget, you are the author of your story, you hold the pen, and sometimes the hardest part is deciding what it is that would truly fulfill your purpose and your heart.

For me, the trick is to get clear. Get crystal-freaking-clear. Usually this is the hardest part for me because my brain goes 100 miles an hour lol! You must set your intention with heartfelt emotion and desire, and then you must get absolute clarity about what that looks like for you. And be excited about your decision! Imagine announcing that you’ve decided to “build a house!” or “run your own business!” whatever fills your heart. Feel it!

You can get creative with it if it makes you happy.  This is where the visualizing comes in with either words or pictures, whatever is more your thing. Go ahead, make a vision board, write it out in a journal, whatever puts you into the flow of feeling as if you have it already. I did this for decades and literally nearly everything in my scrapbook is something that has come into my path somewhere along the lines. It’s wild. I use Pinterest now to save visuals for myself these days.

Next I detach from the outcome. This means placing it in God’s hands and knowing it’s on its way, I continue on with life. I don’t know how else to describe it, but I just know that it’s coming, and get on with my day.

To truly detach from the process, you have to defy our natural instinct to control the outcome (how/when it comes to you). You just simply have to know what you want and then let it go, trusting it will come, if it is for your best and highest good. You will see signs, coincidences and synchronicities start to pop up as the universe starts to move things into alignment, so keep your eyes open, and follow the breadcrumbs.

It’s worth mentioning here - if you have tried manifesting outcomes for yourself and didn’t get what you wished for, it simply means that the universe has something different, usually better, lined up for you. Or that it might happen at a later date.

Hint: when things don’t align for you repeatedly, take a step back and consider whether what you want is actually what is good for your soul’s growth. Get quiet and ask yourself, and you’ll know innately what the truth is by the way you feel in your gut (claircognizance). So if the dream job is still in your dreams, try to remember that although we can’t see it, the Universe always has your back and things will unfold for you in the way they are meant to, in order for you to reach the highest level of soul growth for you, through these life lessons. Our guides, guardians and angels are always steering us towards our highest purpose in our life, and all you need to do is remember to ask when you need clarity.

On that note, time for me to update my 2025 wish list! Happiest of New Years to you all, and here’s to YOU, manifesting your wildest dreams!

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