Tracy Carpentieri Tracy Carpentieri

The “Clairs”

Psychic abilities are often referred to as the “clairs”. Each clair ability relates to a different sense or a different mode in which we receive information that is outside of our regular 5 senses. We all have them and even if your clairs are lying dormant, they’re there. I bet you can think of at least one example where you trusted your gut and didn’t know why but you just knew. Or you had a dream that was more like a visit than a dream. Ever see something out of the corner of your eye? Or that time where you got a whiff of a familiar smell that reminded you of a loved one… You get the message (no pun intended ha ha).

I receive messages through my clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling of physical senses), claircognizance (an innate knowing), clairaudience (hearing with the mind), and clairalience (smell).

My ‘clairs’ work in tandem with each other simultaneously, and this can make for a pretty illustrative and immersive experience. For example, I can be shown a scene that appears like a movie across my mind’s eye - complete with sound, smells, and the best part for me – an innate knowing of where, when and what the occasion is that I’m being shown, with an emotion attached to it all.

I also have strong empathic abilities, sometimes referred to as clairempathy. This basically means that I often actually feel the emotions of a person when doing a reading. I’ve often found myself getting extremely teary and start to cry, or feeling like my chest is going to burst from joy and I’ll literally not be able to stop grinning ear to ear while relaying the message, for example. In some cases, where someone is physically impaired or ill, I am shown the information by way of actually feeling their symptoms or taking on the qualities of the impairment or condition, and it only lasts until I do the reading and relay the information as I received it, and then it stops completely for me.

Interestingly, the empathic ability comes through for me differently during intuitive readings as opposed to during a mediumship session. In an intuitive reading, it’s all about YOU - your life, your questions, your issues, concerns, & relationships etc. In other words, the energy I’m in tune with is YOURS. In a mediumship reading, it can be more like a combo of your energy vibes and the energy of the spirit who’s crossed over, because you are in the session with me, but honestly it’s mostly their energy that I receive, not yours. And that’s because this is their time, it’s about them. So I’ll feel their personality, their emotions, and I basically get a full emotional download of their essence, of who they were as a person, and I just… feel it, I get it.

I know there are specific ways for a person to strengthen these clairs, or to activate them in the first place. In my own personal experience, my gifts were “there in the background” all along and then BAM all of them arrived in full swing with a big HEL-LO, and I don’t believe I did anything to “activate” these clairs. But the more I used them, the quicker, stronger, and clearer they got. And the better I got at trusting them. And now, I look forward to sharing these gifts with you!

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